Carvoran Roman Fort had the Roman name of Magnis meaning stone or rock

Carvoran/ Magna Roman Fort is located behind the Roman Army Museum (see Guide to Vindolanda), go past the ticket office and the fort is “visible “to the south. It is about 3 miles west of Great Chesters and 3 miles east of Birdoswald.
The fort is interesting despite the fact there is almost nothing to see. It is at the junction of the Stanegate (the earlier road which heads to Carlisle south of the River Irthing), the Maiden Way (the road heading south to Kirby Thore, between Appleby and Penrith) and Hadrian’s Wall. It is usual in that it is 250 yards south of the wall.
The fort is the only location incorporated into both the Stanegate and Hadrian’s Wall defensive systems.

What you can see is a turf platform surrounded by a ditch with some exposed masonry at the North West corner tower. It measures 440ft by 420ft just under 4 acres. Next to nothing is known of the interior, except that the bathhouse was inside the fort. A significant amount of stone has been extracted for the site.
Carvoran Roman Fort possibly dates from before 80AD when it is thought that the Stanegate was built. There are indications that the fort was possibly reduced in size when incorporated into the Wall defences. The stone outer wall was built in 136/7AD by a cohort of Hamians, who garrisoned the fort at that time. This was a Syrian cohort of archers, which in itself is unusual… As a result of a geophysical survey undertaken in 2000, it was found that the fort faced south and there is a very extensive civilian settlement to the west, south and east.

It is surprising how little it has been excavated for a fort, where it is located and its history. It is owned by the Vindolanda Trust, who have decades of work at the main site, The same conditions apply as at Vindolanda, where an oxygen-free environment preserves wooden, leather and fabric artefacts are preserved. However, it has been found that the site is drying out and these conditions are in jeopardy, which means that excavation will be necessary as soon as possible.
The Trust has had some interesting decisions to make, does it continue at Vindolanda. or divert significant sources to Carvoran Roman Fort, before the artefacts literally dissolve? It was announced in early 2023 that £2.4m has been agreed.
Excavations started in July 2023. Andrew Birley, Vindolanda’s CEO explains HERE
The only visible remains are in the North West corner, where there are the remains of a corner turret.

This was a significant Stanegate Fort guarding the junction of the Maiden Way to the Stanegate. This became more significant when the Hadrian’s Way Military Way was added in the 160s. The route south included Whiteley Castle the fort controlling the lead extraction.
Inscriptions can be found HERE